Monday, October 3, 2016

Use of technology

The use of technology can help us in many areas, for example in medicine, to discover new diseases and medicines for them, as a result millions of people have been saved from death, they have become walking, etc. Moreover, the technology also helps us discover new things outside our planet about approaching her life alternatives among other things and within our planet as climate, prevent storms, hurricanes, heavy rain, etc. we they help prepare for the occasion. Also for many it is an alternative work either entering platforms like youtube, or looking for job postings, also serves as a means of entertainment for many young people in the world, finding games like creating them, listening to music, watching your favorite series and finding bif (internet best friend). Finally, technology is not only focused on a single point, we are in a century in which everything revolves around technology, no one can do anything without help from her, everything gets into it,

and as more technology going forward, more are being born and adapt to it faster than some older who are left behind, now, children find their happiness on the Internet and not going to play in the street.
The technology is good, but measure because excess affects many.

Written by: Ana Maria Molina

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